Is-Saħħa Tagħna

We can make a difference together with our strength
Is-Saħħa Tagħna, is a group dedicated to organizing fundraisers,charity events, food drives and awareness.
On August 2018 a group of members formed Is-Saħħa Tagħna to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Starting with just 7 participants they were joined by many more to join the cause. On October 14th 2018 we Made Strides Against Breast Cancer in Central Park. With a goal of $1000 we surpassed that goal and raised $2374 for ACS and ranked #147 out of 1808 teams. In celebration of the event and walkers the Maltese Center hosted an Oktoberfest celebration for everyone!
*Please note all monies or donations raised through Is-Saħħa Tagħna go directly to the charity and are not for the Maltese Center. It is a way for the community to come together in strength and support a good cause through volunteer outreach. The Maltese have a long history in raising money for charitable causes and through this group we continue the tradition as a Maltese community.
Is-Saħħa Tagħna along with the Maltese Center organized a 2018 Christmas Food Drive for Fr. Anthony Saliba at the parish of St.Raphael in East Meadow,NY to fill the shelves of their food pantry.
Is-Saħħa Tagħna is exploring volunteer opportunities to help feed the hungry. Some have volunteered time at soup kitchens, delivering meals to homebound seniors ,and organizing food drives.
If you are interested in community outreach, have a cause that is important to you, or just want to find out more contact Is-Saħħa-Tagħna here
Our 2019 2nd annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer was another great success surpassing our goal once again with donations going to the American Cancer Society, the team raised over $3500!
In 2022 and 2023 a giving tree to benefit the Ronald McDonald House of New York City was placed at the Center. Each tag had a request such as diapers, hats, etc.. All the items were delivered just in time for Christmas.

Is-Saħħa Tagħna's First event at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
October 14th 2018
Central Park, New York City